Monday, February 28, 2011

Ordo ab Chao

Order out of chaos.

An intriguing phrase is it not? As I've mentioned before I'm the type of person that needs order. Is it because I have OCD? Probably. Whatever the reason may be though I still need order, I need control, simply put: I need a plan.

Sometimes though the unthinkable happens and events transpire that aren't according to plan and instead of order from chaos, the opposite happens. The question then becomes where does that leave us? Without a plan, and without knowledge of what to do next. As a hopeless romantic I'm often put in a position where I make ridiculous promises knowing full well the effort required to keep them, and would you like to know what i'm asked the most when I make these promises?


How do you know such and such an event is going to transpire? How do you know something won't happen out of the chaos of the world that will destroy your perfect little ordered plan?  And put quite simply I don't know, but here's the kicker: that isn't important. Why? Because there are certain things I do know, I do know that I love. I also know that all you need is love (Thank Mr. Lennon.) I do know that whatever happens in this crazy, chaotic, world I'll always be able to make order out of chaos, it's what I do best. Lastly, I know I'm flying blind right now, no compass, no chart, no Northern Star to point my way. And I've realized something, while lying sick in bed for the past few days.....

I'm never going to stop making plans, I'm never going to stop turning chaos into order and vice versa when my plans fail. But the very last thing that I do know is this: No matter what happens, no matter how badly my plans may or may not fail, I can always adapt them, and myself to fit the current and ever changing situation. And that, dear friends leads to one simple, eloquent, undeniable truth:

Whatever ridiculous promise, or plan I may make, I'll keep. Because even if it changes, the first promise I made was a building block for the promise that came true, it just changed shape to fit the environment it found itself in. And to me, well, that is a comforting thought.

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