Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Out of The Blue

Hey you,

It's been awhile. I just wanted to write you and let you know I'm doing better. Not great, but better and that's a start I suppose. I won't say I'm happy without you because that's a lie, but I'm beginning to see that maybe it's better this way. I don't know for sure but I think it might be. At the end of the day all I wanted was for you to be happy with or without me I don't care, but happy nonetheless.

I miss you of course that goes without saying, you meant the world to me and that isn't something that's just going to go away. There will always be that part of me that hangs on. The little voice that screams at me for trying to let go. But to Hell with that voice. I know you no longer care for me as you used to and though I won't pretend to understand how the feelings you had for me can just disappear as they did, I'm not going to try and force you to have them again.

I loved you my dear.

Time for me to buck up though. It's silly to let you control, my life as you have till now. So I'm moving on. I hope one day you and I can be friends again but if not that's okay too. Truth be told I know from experience were we to talk again those feelings would come back. And they'd be awfully hard to hold back. If we ever talk again I'll let you know if that's a good or bad thing. Anyway I should think it's time for our goodbyes my love, it's better this way in a sense. I truly do hope you have a happy life. I know you'll accomplish so much with it.
