Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life 201

I can't help but thinking there should be a class taught about life. How many subtle little tips or tricks do we not know simple because we haven't bothered to ask? If there were a class though we'd learn so much more and it would be so much easier, and of course we'd have Life 95 and what not for people who need a lot more help.

*Attention Readers*

This is the important part

See? If there were a class on life you could recognize warnings like that without needing them, kinda like *caution contents of coffee cup may be hot* and skip over the whole first paragraph rant about teaching life as a class. Now here comes the important part:

What would you learn in life 201?

To be honest I haven't the foggiest, but! I have some ideas such as:

*Learning to play an instrument. I think everyone should know how to play at least one instrument, it's an incredibly useful talent to have.
* Courtesy. Not enough people in the world today know how to be courteous any more. It's quite sad really.
     -courtesy driving big one? You know that little lever on your steering wheel that isn't your windshield wipers? Yeah that's called a turn signal it was invented and put in place for a good reason, use it.
     -Also you know that other amazing feature of that lever? When you pull it back it turns your brights on and off! Cool huh?!
*Whatever TV tells you and isn't on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, Food Network or some similar  channel is probably wrong or at least not completely right, don't try to do it.
*Don't burn books or ban them. Just because Harry Potter doing magic doesn't jive with your particular religion doesn't mean you should go on a fanatical crusade to ban it from the library. It's a book, not an instructional manual. Despite what you think there are other people in the world who don't follow your religion and might enjoy reading the Chronicles of Narnia (P.S. Just as an aside for all you Harry Potter haters out there, you should try reading the His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman it's about killing God. :)
*Learn to cook Give a a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to cook and he can win over any womans heart. (Just change out the sex for you ladies it works on the men too.)
*Please, thank you and excuse me. I know these technically go under courtesy  but honestly I think they kind of need their own section.
*Read. At least one book a month I should think. It helps to keep the mind sharp and also gives you a chance to unwind for awhile.
*At night, turn off your electronics. This is one I'm particularly bad about, I'm always afraid if I turn off my phone I'll miss an important call or if I turn off my computer I won't be able to sleep without my music. But guess what? Chances are if it's night time, that person calling you expected you to be asleep and the music you're listening to on your computer? It's probably making your sleep rougher.
Write. At least once a day, in a journal about the book your reading this month to your local newspaper or favorite magazine. Or even better yet.......
*Send a letter through the regular mail! I know with the advent of email and it's speed snail mail has fallen by the wayside, and while yes it does feel good to get an email from someone you care about. Nothing, I repeat nothing beats the rush you get when a loved one writes you an actual letter. It shows you really care when you take the time to sit down and write out someone a personal letter rather than an impersonal email.
*Say I love you at least once a day. It'll make you feel better trust me. Keeping those feelings bottled up inside is a very bad idea. I know.
*And finally don't be afraid to try new things. In fact as I write this I'm preparing to go down to the new sushi restaurant and try it out for the my article in the newspaper and I hate sushi.

I'm sure I missed some things, but hey most teachers do when they teach a class. All I can hope is that I've enlightened you a little bit on the topics I think most people should pay attention to. And if you think I made a glaring omission then add it. I'd love to here others opinions on what should be taught in the new class: Life 201.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Great Scott!

It's been quite sometime since I've written hasn't it? However in my defense I've been rather busy as of late what with twenty-eight credits and all that. (Including a writing class in which I'm doing a comparison paper between the Original Doctor Who series and the revamped one. Long story short? I watch Doctor Who for homework. Greatest paper ever? I think so.)

Anyway! To the point yeah? My last post, gosh basically a month ago, was wonderful idea i.e. the letter I'll never write to you. So I've been thinking a lot about other people I'd write letters to but never actually send, so I thought I'd do (at least) one more. :)

I loved you.

Or rather I was infatuated by you, but to a teenager they pretty much mean the exact same thing. I know that you already know that part and so I don't I need to go into more detail. What you might not know is this: there well always be a special place in my heart for you. I will always feel that love for you, and I will, at times, regret that we couldn't be more. However, my love for you has been turned towards our friendship now, I "love" our friendship. I love when we spend time together and I no longer think of you as an object of desire but rather a person of affection. You are like a sibling to me and I wouldn't want that to change ever again.

My point is, I want to always be here for you. But as a friend a shoulder to cry on when things get tough, and a person who will be by your side no matter what happens. I will always be here for you love, that isn't going to change. You've no idea how much you mean to me. And you've helped me without even realizing through one of the hardest periods in my life. Thank you.