I've been staring at the empty page of this blog post for about...... oh an hour now. I've typed beginnings hated them then deleted them, started anew and petered off after the first sentence. I wrote letters but most of them where angry or upset and I didn't want to write that, so I deleted them.
But finally I arrived at a realization after typing out one more angry letter and deleting it:
A lot of things in my life have ended lately, and while I admit it's had me sad... or worried at times. I made a realization today. I woke up at 7:30 and decided that despite my lack of running shoes I was going to go anyway because I needed that release back in my life, and it felt amazing. When I got back I decided that I was going to go work out the last paperwork I needed to do to re-enroll this term instead of next. And all of a sudden as I accomplished more and more tasks; looking for a job, doing laundry, helping a friend get acquainted to college life, making plans with people other than my roommates, cleaning the kitchen and organizing my closet, I discovered what I'd been missing as the summer has drawn to a close: a challenge, a task, just something to do. I feel amazing today, accomplished, successful, and most importantly happy.
Don't get me wrong, I have been surprisingly happy, all things considered. (A little bit of history here, I recently ended a huge yearish long relationship) anyway, the point is I knew in my heart it was time to let go but at the same time, it is hard. But that isn't the point of this post. This post is about new things, about old endings and new beginnings.
I am so very happy to back in Monmouth, to be near old friends and ready to make new ones. But mostly I'm happy to be starting a new chapter in my life and finally writing the ending of the last one. I feel like I'm thriving again (even if I do play more video games then I should still) old habits die hard I guess. But even my video game addiction is something I've decided to work on and while I'll still play more than the average person I plan on cutting down the hours I log. I'm also going to blog more regularly now; even if it's only a paragraph I want to write once a week. Why? Because I have decided that I want to set a goal for my little blog. I think it would be cool to have at least twenty readers by the end of the year. So in the words of my great hero Barney Stinson: "Challenge excepted!"
It's time to better myself to become the person, the teacher, the roll model I want to be. The journey starts now, and I know it's going to be an eventful and exciting one. :)