Sunday, June 5, 2011

You! (Part 3)

Yes you, in those clothes.

This one's for you.

Here's the truth, I like you, well I like almost everyone, but I might like like you. Why? Well I haven't the foggiest idea. Perhaps it's because you drive me crazy, I have a habit of falling for the people who drive me crazy, call me a masochist. But that's beside the point, but as long as we're on the topic I might as well expand a little bit.

You and I (if you haven't noticed) are uniquely similar, yet at the same time we can be exact polar opposites, like Doctor Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. So similar and yet so different. But I like it! I do, it keeps me on my toes, like a kitten or a wild tiger. You always keep me wondering what's going to happen next, like a puzzle. I appreciate the challenge dear, I enjoy the puzzle. As mad as you make me, as completely and utterly crazy your actions sometime's seem to be, I relish the chance to talk, to find one more puzzle piece and in so doing uncover three more.

And I must admit I'm so glad we started talking again lately. But on top of that.... well I'm also rather confused as to where we stand. Of course, I suppose I should know where I'd like us to stand, and frankly my dear I haven't the foggiest idea.

But I've gone off on a tangent again haven't I? I do that a lot, my mind tends to be about three ideas ahead so I'm afraid things get a little jumbled sometimes.

My point is, dear. I like you plain and simple. As a friend, as a challenge, in time perhaps as more than a friend. Other people are going to read this and think it's about them but it isn't, it's about you. I think you'll read this, I hope you'll read this, because I want you to know.

Now you know.
